Economic Ratio

"Haki yetu, haki yetu" thats what you hear on Kenyan streets. People are damning the government for not being able to stabilize the cost of living. Yeah yeah yeah, i do feel the pinch to but for others there is no differenc when we look at the situation theoretically.

When the dollar was Kshs.75 the cost of one packet of unga was abt Kshs. 100 that's roughly around $1.33.
The same packet of unga averages to Kshs. 130 right now and a dollar is worth Kshs. 90. So the unga still costs $1.44 -a  difference of $0.11!!! . This will totally seem -to the donors and other major players in the economic industyr- as having no significant difference.

Therefore the common mwananchi "atazidi kuumia" since their earnings are not converted according to the fluctuations of the dollar. The pay rate has just been the same but the expense increases and this will eventually lead to ......i dont know


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