Prelude: Way of the twin

Maybe it is a curse of the star. The twinning horoscope. A moment of loneliness when away from her. But, when she comes, aloofness and anger set in. You become like a rabid dog. Barking endlessly to scare her away. She leaves. You feel deflated. Relieved. A moment passes. Remorse sets in. You beat yourself up. Such a pretty little rotten soul you got inside you.

The truth. She is the one. The special one.

You hear the music. It’s quite loud for the early evening. You stare. The almost empty glass stares back at you with defiance. You seek solace from the bottle next by it. Standing tall in an empty table - its half full. You get startled. A soft tap on your back and some murmurs. You look up. A lady, a light skinned lady. She smiles. Lips overdone with a hot pink make up. “Are you okay?”. She asks. She has a white tank top. Full bust. Hot pants well fitted on a tiny Waist. She asks again. She is the waiter. You nod, the distance nod. She smiles. You smile back. She leaves. She sways her hips. Your eyes follow. Damn. You still feel cold inside. No spark. What a pity. Sigh.

You need to leave. Time out. You tell yourself. Ego. Too early to leave man, spend another hour.  Sly smile creeps in. You give in, Toast to ego. Darkness sets in. The crowd gets bigger.  The lonely bottle has found company. It’s time to leave. Time to face jinx.


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