South Sudan-Africa's newest state

 I do salute South Sudan for managing to be a sovereign state. World leaders did congratulate the new African state and we do it doesn't succumb to what other African Countries face.
 South Sudan as a new state will receive massive financial help from other countries, it is rich in oil thus revevnue collection for the country won't be bad. The only problem lies with the eligibility of African leaders. Lets hope that H.E Salva Kiir does not veer off his ideologies and falls in the sweet deep black hole of  corruption, power hungry, ethnicity and heavy handedness.

World leaders Congratulations

“We welcome and fully embrace the new republic and its leadership, and look forward to working closely with her both at bilateral level as a neighbour and also within the frame work of the various regional and multilateral structures,” said President Kibaki.

South Africa
South Africa’s President Jacob Zuma said Africans from the Cape to Cairo were proud of South Sudan’s independence, after decades of conflict between the southern rebels and successive Khartoum governments that left the region in ruins and claimed millions of lives.

Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan, in Juba said the day marked the beginning of “a new dawn” for the people of the new country, a statement from his office said. Nigeria would support and assist the new country in every possible way as they began the task of building a new nation, he added.

“We applaud your commitment to addressing all outstanding issues with North Sudan in an amicable and peaceful manner,” Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh

President Nicolas Sarkozy said the independence declaration was the fulfillment of an exceptional process, initiated by a peace accord in 2005, that all the international community supported and that “the North and South (of Sudan) brought courageously to completion.”

Mr Obama led official recognition of the country, calling it “another step forward in Africa’s long journey toward opportunity, democracy and justice.”
“I am proud to declare that the United States formally recognises the Republic of South Sudan as a sovereign and independent state upon this day, July 9, 2011,” Obama said in a statement.

Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel welcomed the move as “a day of joy and great hope for the people”

Ban Ki-moon, speaking at the official ceremony in Juba, said a new chapter had been opened “when the people of South Sudan claim their freedom and dignity that is their birthright.”


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